Boué, Ami

Boué, Ami

▪ Austrian geologist
born March 16, 1794, Hamburg [Germany]
died Nov. 21, 1881, Vienna, Austria

      Austrian geological pioneer who fostered international cooperation in geological research.

      While studying medicine in Edinburgh, Boué became interested in geology through the influence of the noted Scottish geologist Robert Jameson. Boué studied the volcanic rocks in various parts of Scotland and the Hebrides and later published his findings in Essai géologique sur l'Écosse (1820; “Geological Essay on Scotland”).

      He received his M.D. in 1817 and continued his medical studies on the European continent but ultimately decided to devote himself to geology. He settled in Paris in 1830 and was a founder of the Société Géologique de France. For the next four years he published reports on geological progress in other countries in the Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (“Bulletin of the Geological Society of France”). In 1835 he moved to Vienna. He later made three trips to Turkey and published his geological findings in La Turquie d'Europe (1840; “European Turkey”). He then returned to Vienna, and in 1845 he finished his comprehensive overview of geology, Essai de carte géologique du globe terrestre (“Essay on a Geological Map of the World”).

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