Boudjedra, Rachid

Boudjedra, Rachid

Algerian writer
born Sept. 5, 1941, Aïn Beïda, Alg.

      prolific and revolutionary Algerian writer whose first novel, La Répudiation (1969; “The Repudiation”), gained notoriety because of its explicit language and frontal assault on Muslim traditionalism in contemporary Algeria. He was hailed as the leader of a new movement of experimental fiction.

      Boudjedra was given a traditional Muslim upbringing in Algeria and Tunisia, then continued his education in Spain, Algeria, and Paris, where he obtained a degree in philosophy at the Sorbonne. He later taught philosophy in Paris and at Rabat, Mor., and worked for the Algerian Bureau of Cinematography.

      La Répudiation draws upon Boudjedra's difficult youth. Conventional values and the smug complacency of the established powers in newly independent Algeria are rejected by Boudjedra, whose unorthodox sexual fury and lyrical savagery defied traditional morality. Boudjedra's next novel, L'Insolation (1972; “Sunstroke”), evoked experimental states of mind, confounding dream with reality. His later works employed different styles. Topographie idéale pour une agression caractérisée (1975; “Ideal Topography for a Specific Aggression”) takes as its protagonist an illiterate Berber peasant drawn to the city by the prospect of work; lost in the capital's subway, he is bombarded by a host of bewildering scenes and events. In L'Escargot entêté (1977; “The Stubborn Snail”), a petty bureaucrat exposes his mediocre life and values, symbolizing the incompleteness of the Algerian revolution. With Les 1001 Années de la nostalgie (1979; “1,001 Years of Nostalgia”), Boudjedra created a satire of an imaginary Saharan village confronted with what he viewed as the newest symbol of contemporary cultural imperialism, an American film company. Later works include Le Démantèlement (1982; “The Dismantling”); Greffe (1984; “Graft”), a collection of poems; and Le Désordre des choses (1991; “The Disorder of Things”).

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