Borgen, Johan

Borgen, Johan

Norwegian author
in full  Johan Collet Müller Borgen 
born April 28, 1902, Kristiania [now Oslo], Norway
died October 16, 1979, Hvaler

      Norwegian novelist, short-story writer, dramatist, and essayist, one of 20th-century Norway's most important and versatile writers.

      Borgen was born into a bourgeois family, but, though he was politically inactive, he himself was often considered a member of the radical left. His principal work was a novel trilogy: Lillelord (1955), De mørke kilder (1956; “The Dark Springs”), and Vi har ham (1957; “Now We Have Him”), all three translated into English under the title Lillelord (1982). In these novels Borgen gives a picture of upper-middle-class life in Norway from 1917 through World War II; and in the figure of the protagonist, Wilfred Sagen, he draws a profound portrait of the kind of alienated and disaffected individual who, during the war, collaborated with the Nazis. The novel is equally valuable as a period study, with vignettes of the artist life in Copenhagen and Paris, and as a psychological study.

      Borgen began his career as a short-story writer with the collection Mot mørket (1925; “Toward Darkness”) and continued to do some of his best work in that genre. Noveller om kjærlighet (1952; “Love Stories”) was a great success both critically and with the general public, as was the collection Noveller i utvalg (1961; “Selected Short Stories”).

      In his later, more experimental novels, Borgen continued to create fictions that posed questions concerning alienation and identity: Jeg (1959; “I”); Blåtind (1964; “Blue Peak”); and Den røde tåken (1967; The Red Mist).

      Borgen also wrote plays and over a long career developed a mastery of the short, witty essay. He won the Nordic Council's literary prize for a collection of short stories, Nye noveller (1965; “New Stories”). From 1954 to 1959 he was editor of the literary journal Vinduet. He was also a great critic, with an ability to transmit his enthusiasm for books in lucid analyses and to question literary tradition's hold on the modern writer. In his role as critic, he also introduced many foreign writers to Norwegian readers, showing a particular attraction to Danish literature.

Additional Reading
Randi Birn, Johan Borgen (1974).

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