Borden, Lizzie

Borden, Lizzie

American filmmaker
in full  Linda Elizabeth Borden 
born Feb. 3, 1955?, Detroit, Mich., U.S.

      American filmmaker whose feminist perspective informed her eclectic style and subjects, which largely defy mainstream cinema.

      Borden earned her bachelor's degree in fine arts at Wellesley College and received a master's in fine arts from Queens College of the City University of New York. Regroupings (1976), an experimental feature-length film she directed, was shown in New York City, but she made her mark in filmmaking in 1983 when her feminist classic Born in Flamesdirected and produced on a budget of about $30,000received considerable critical attention. Borden wrote, directed, edited, and produced the 1986 film Working Girls, a feminist docudrama that attempts to de-eroticize the subject of prostitution. Its main character is a Yale University graduate who lives with a female lover and aspires to become a professional photographer. Borden's next feature, the thriller Love Crimes (1991), was made in Hollywood with a budget of more than $6 million. Studio reediting of Borden's original conclusion, however, made the ending both abrupt and confusing. In 1994 she cowrote and directedLet's Talk About Sex,” the American segment (segment 1) of Erotique (1994).

American murder suspect
in full  Lizzie Andrew Borden 
born July 19, 1860, Fall River, Massachusetts, U.S.
died June 1, 1927, Fall River

      American woman suspected of murdering her stepmother and father; her trial became a national sensation in the United States.

      Borden was the daughter of a well-to-do businessman who married for a second time in 1865, three years after Lizzie's mother died. Lizzie was popular and engaged in charitable work. Her father, by contrast, was reputedly dour and parsimoniousas well as eminently wealthyand Lizzie and her elder sister Emma were ever at odds with him and their stepmother, often over financial matters. On a Thursday morning, August 4, 1892, Mr. Borden left home to conduct his business, leaving in the house, besides his wife, an Irish maid (Bridget Sullivan) and Lizzie. (Emma was away visiting.) On his return, he settled on a couch for a nap. About 11:15 AM, Lizzie (according to her testimony) discovered her father dead, repeatedly struck in the head with a sharp instrument. Upstairs his wife's body was found, even more brutally mutilated; examination proved that her death had preceded her husband's by an hour or so. It was found that Lizzie had tried to purchase prussic acid (a poison) on August 3, and a few days later she was alleged to have burned a dress in a stove. Sullivan, who also has been suspected, later that evening reportedly left the house carrying an unexamined parcel. No weapon was found, though an axe found in the basement was suspected.

      Lizzie was arrested and tried for both murders in June 1893 but was acquitted, given the circumstantial evidence. She was nonetheless ostracized thereafter by the people of her native Fall River, Massachusetts, where she continued to live until her death in 1927. The grisly murders inspired a great many books, both serious studies and fiction; Fall River Legend (1948), a ballet by Agnes de Mille; an opera, Lizzie Borden (1965), by Jack Beeson and Kenward Elmslie; and one immortal, if slightly inaccurate, quatrain:

Lizzie Borden took an axe
And gave her mother forty whacks;
And when she saw what she had done
She gave her father forty-one.

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  • Borden,Lizzie Andrew — Borden, Lizzie Andrew. 1860 1927. American woman accused and acquitted of the ax murder of her parents (1892). * * * …   Universalium

  • Borden, Lizzie (Andrew) — born July 19, 1860, Fall River, Mass., U.S. died June 1, 1927, Fall River U.S. murder suspect. The daughter of a businessman, she lived with her wealthy but parsimonious father and stepmother. On Aug. 4, 1892, Lizzie (according to her testimony)… …   Universalium

  • Borden, Lizzie (Andrew) — (19 jul. 1860, Fall River, Mass., EE.UU.–1 jun. 1927, Fall River). Estadounidense, sospechosa de asesinato. Hija de un hombre de negocios, vivió con su padre y su madrastra, acaudalados pero mezquinos. El 4 de agosto de 1892, según su propio… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Lizzie Andrew Borden — Lizzie Borden Lizzie Borden Lizzie Andrew Borden (19 juillet, 1860 1er juin, 1927) était une vieille fille de Nouvelle Angleterre, qui fut la figure centrale d une affaire judiciaire autour du double meurtre à la hache de son père et de sa… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lizzie Borden — Lizzie Andrew Borden (19 juillet, 1860 1er juin, 1927) était une vieille fille de Nouvelle Angleterre, qui fut la figure centrale d une affaire judiciaire autour du double meurtre à la hache de son père et de sa belle mère, le 4 août 1892 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lizzie borden — Lizzie Andrew Borden (19 juillet, 1860 1er juin, 1927) était une vieille fille de Nouvelle Angleterre, qui fut la figure centrale d une affaire judiciaire autour du double meurtre à la hache de son père et de sa belle mère, le 4 août …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lizzie Borden — Lizzie Borden. Lizzie Andrew Borden (Fall River, Massachusetts, 19 de julio de 1860 id. 1 de junio de 1927), mejor conocida como Lizzie Borden, fue una solterona de Nueva Inglaterra y la única sospechosa de los asesinatos de su padre y su… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Lizzie Borden — (* 19. Juli 1860 in Fall River, Massachusetts; † 1. Juni 1927 ebenda) war eine US Amerikanerin, die des Mordes an ihrem Vater und ihrer Stiefmutter verdächtigt und danach freigesprochen wurde. Die Umstände der Verhandlung und der Urteilsspruch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lizzie Borden (opera) — Lizzie Borden is the best known opera by Jack Beeson. It was written in 1965 and premiered on March 25,1965 by the New York City Opera conducted by Anton Coppola. The English libretto is by Kenward Elmsie after a scenario by Richard Plant. It is… …   Wikipedia

  • Borden — may refer toPlaces;Australia *Borden, Western Australia;Canada *Borden, Saskatchewan *Borden, Ontario *Borden Carleton, Prince Edward Island, formerly the town of Borden *Borden Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada *Canadian Forces Base Borden (also known… …   Wikipedia

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