Bolton, Herbert Eugene

Bolton, Herbert Eugene

American historian
born July 20, 1870, Wilton Township, Wis., U.S.
died Jan. 30, 1953, Berkeley, Calif.

      American historian and educator, one of the first scholars to stress the importance of a hemispheric rather than a national concept of the Americas.

      Bolton received his Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania in 1899 and began teaching medieval history in 1901 at the University of Texas, where he soon shifted his interests to an investigation of Mexican archives. His Guide to Materials for the History of the United States in the Principal Archives of Mexico (1913) became an invaluable aid to future researchers. In 1909 he was called to Stanford University, California, and in 1911 he moved to the University of California at Berkeley, where he remained until his death. As director (191640) of the Bancroft Library, he guided it to a position as the principal centre for research in Western and Latin-American history.

      In 1920 Bolton completed a text with T.M. Marshall on The Colonization of North America, 14921783, which emphasized non-English colonies and English colonies other than the original 13. His concept of the Americas was most fully expressed in his presidential speech to the American Historical Association in 1932, “The Epic of Greater America,” a critique of the purely national and Anglo-Saxon definitions of American institutions. His chief works are: The Spanish Borderlands (1921); Outpost of Empire (1931); Rim of Christendom: A Biography of Eusebio Francisco Kino (1936); and Coronado on the Turquoise Trail (1949).

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