

      city, North Rhine-Westphalia (North RhineWestphalia) Land (state), northwestern Germany, on the Aa, a stream near the Dutch border, just north of Wesel. Chartered in 1222 by the bishop of Münster, Bocholt derives its name from Buchenholz, thebeech woodof its surroundings. Historic buildings include the Gothic Church of St. George (141586), the Dutch Renaissance town hall (161821, restored 192834), and the nearby castles of Anholt and Gemen. A centre of the textile industry, it also has iron foundries and machine works. Annexations during the 1970s enlarged the city by more than a third. Pop. (2005) 73,790.

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  • Bocholt [1] — Bocholt, 1) fürstlich Salm Salmische Standesherrschaft, zum Theil im Kreise Borken des preuß. Rgsvzks. Münster, 20 QM.; 42,000 Ew.; 2) Stadt an der Aa daselbst, Residenz des Fürsten; Schloß, Synagoge, Armenhaus, Waisenhaus; 20… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Bocholt — Bocholt, Franz van, aus dem Herzogthum Berg, Kupferstecher aus dem 15. Jahrh.; seine Blätter sind sehr selten …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

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  • Bocholt — There are two towns called Bocholt:* Bocholt, Germany * Bocholt, Belgium …   Wikipedia

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