Blandrata, George

Blandrata, George

Italian religious leader
Italian  Giorgio Biandrata  
born c. 1515, Saluzzo, Piedmont [Italy]
died , early May 1588, Gyulafehérvár, Transylvania [Romania]

      physician who became the leading organizer and supporter of Unitarianism (Unitarianism and Universalism) in Transylvania.

      After serving as physician to Queen Bona Sforza of Poland from 1540 to 1552, Blandrata returned to Italy to practice medicine at Pavia, where he aroused the hostility of the authorities of the inquisition by his interest in theological speculation. In 1556 he fled to Geneva and became an elder in the Calvinist congregation of Italians there. He soon antagonized John Calvin (Calvin, John) by declaring that debates over the nature of the Trinity threatened the concept of the unity of God. Two years later Blandrata was back in Poland, where he became an influential elder in the Minor Church, an anti-Trinitarian organization.

      In 1563 the Unitarian king John Sigismund I (John Sigismund) summoned him to Transylvania as court physician. There Blandrata and the Unitarian bishop Ferenc Dávid (Dávid, Ferenc) won many converts from Calvinist to Unitarian beliefs, although later (about 1579) Dávid lost Blandrata's confidence by teaching that Christ should not be worshiped at all by Unitarians. Such an extreme position endangered the religious toleration constitutionally granted to Unitarians, and Blandrata invited the Unitarian theologian Faustus Socinus from Italy to confute Dávid. The effort failed, and Blandrata's reputation as the leading Unitarian layman waned. The death of Sigismund in 1571 and the accession of the Roman Catholic Stephen Báthory further contributed to the decline of Unitarianism, although Blandrata allied himself to Báthory to maintain a semblance of the earlier toleration.

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Universalium. 2010.

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