- Bīrah, Al-
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
birah — f. 1) yolsuz; 2) dinsiz, imansız; 3) m. yolunu azmış, azğın … Klassik Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatında islənən ərəb və fars sözləri lüğəti
birahə — f. dolanbac, dolama (yol haqqında) … Klassik Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatında islənən ərəb və fars sözləri lüğəti
Al Birah — Original name in latin Al Brah Name in other language Al Bira, Al Birah, Al Brah, Al Bira, Be erot, Be eroth, Be rot, Be roth, Bira, Birah, Bire, Bra, Brah, Bre, El Bira, El Bra, albyrt, Аль Бира State code PS Continent/City Asia/Hebron longitude … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Ramallah — ▪ town in the West Bank also spelled Rām Allāh town in the West Bank, adjacent to the town of Al Bīrah (Bīrah, Al ) (east) and north of Jerusalem. Administered as part of the British mandate of Palestine (1920–48), Ramallah was part of… … Universalium
Nadim Barghouthi — Nadim Barghouti Pas d image ? Cliquez ici. Situation actuelle Club actuel … Wikipédia en Français
Équipe de Palestine de football — Équipe de Palestine … Wikipédia en Français
Palestine — /pal euh stuyn / for 1, 2; /pal euh steen / for 3, n. 1. Also called Holy Land. Biblical name, Canaan. an ancient country in SW Asia, on the E coast of the Mediterranean. 2. a former British mandate (1923 48) comprising part of this country,… … Universalium
Jerusalem (Before A.D. 71) — • This article deals with the destruction by the Romans after it had become the scene of the Redemption Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Jerusalem (Before A.D. 71) Jerusalem (Before A.D. 71) … Catholic encyclopedia
Mohammed Abdel-Jawad — Personal information Full name Mohammed Abdel Jawad Date of birth May 22, 1979 ( … Wikipedia
Siamak Shayeghi — (PerB| سیامک شایقی , born 1954 in Abadan, Iran is an Iranian film director and film producer. Graduated in Cinema and Television, he started his career as film critic and was assistant director in the mid 1980s. In 1990 and 1991 he worked… … Wikipedia