Bilfinger, Georg Bernhard

Bilfinger, Georg Bernhard

German philosopher
born Jan. 23, 1693, Cannstatt, Württemberg [now in Germany]
died Feb. 18, 1750, Stuttgart

      German philosopher, mathematician, statesman, and author of treatises in astronomy, physics, botany, and theology. He is best known for his Leibniz-Wolffian philosophy, a term he coined to refer to his own position midway between those of the philosophers Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm) and Christian Wolff (Wolff, Christian, Freiherr (Baron) von).

      At Tübingen, Bilfinger was made court preacher and, in 1721, professor of philosophy at the university there. In 1724 he was appointed professor of moral philosophy and mathematics; but his association with Wolff, who was expelled from Halle in 1723, led to charges of atheism against him, and he was removed from his teaching positions. With Wolff's help, he in 1725 became a professor at the University of St. Petersburg. His dissertation De Causa Gravitatis Physica Generali (1728; “On the General Physical Cause of Gravity”) won the highest award in a contest sponsored by the Paris Academy. His reputation improved, Bilfinger returned to the University of Tübingen as professor of theology in 1731.

      Bilfinger was one of the most accomplished and versatile thinkers of his time. Although he was the pupil, friend, and defender of Wolff, it was rather on Leibniz' work that he concentrated his attention. Bilfinger's most original contribution to philosophya theory of possibilityis found in Dilucidationes Philosophicae de Deo, Anima Humana, Mundo, et Generalibus Rerum Affectionibus (1725), a discussion of God, the human soul, and the physical world in general. In this work he differs from Leibniz' views on two important points, both concerning monads, the infinitesimal psychophysical units of force that constitute the universe (according to Leibniz). Whereas Leibniz had held each monad to be at once physical and spiritual, Bilfinger insisted on the heterogeneity of material and spiritual monads, with the consequence that he could not regard all monads as percipient: some of them rather were endowed only with moving force. His other major deviation from Leibniz was on the question of preestablished harmony, which he held to apply not to the whole universe but only to the relationship between the soul and the body and to consist in a correspondence of inner states in the percipient and in the nonpercipient monads.

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