Bickerstaffe, Isaac

Bickerstaffe, Isaac

Irish dramatist
born c. 1735, , Ireland
died c. 1812

      Irish playwright whose farces and comic operas were popular in the late 18th century. There is no apparent connection between his name and the pseudonym earlier adopted by Jonathan Swift and also used by Joseph Addison and Richard Steele for The Tatler.

      The real Isaac Bickerstaffe is said to have been a page to the lord lieutenant of Ireland and to have become an officer in the royal marines. His first theatrical success, Love in a Village (1762), was followed by many others, including The Maid of the Mill (based on Samuel Richardson's Pamela), The Padlock, and The Hypocrite. A frank plagiarist, he depended for his success on his lively lyrics and his sparkling dialogue. Bickerstaffe's future appeared bright until 1772, when he was forced into exile by allegations of sodomy, then a capital offense. He lived in great poverty for many years, probably in France. The exact date and place of his death are unknown.

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