Bertillon, Alphonse

Bertillon, Alphonse

▪ French official
born April 23, 1853, Paris
died Feb. 13, 1914, Münsterlingen, Switz.
 chief of criminal identification for the Paris police (from 1880) who developed an identification system known as anthropometry, or the Bertillon system, that came into wide use in France and other countries.

      The younger brother of the statistician and demographer Jacques Bertillon, Alphonse Bertillon in 1882 introduced his system of identification, which incorporates a series of refined bodily measurements, physical description, and photographs. The Bertillon system was superseded by fingerprinting as the primary method of identification, though it remains an excellent means of furnishing a minutely descriptive portrait, valuable to investigators. Bertillon wrote extensively on his method, one work being La Photographie judiciaire (1890). A biography by H.T.F. Rhodes, Alphonse Bertillon: Father of Scientific Detection, was published in 1954.

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