Bernard De Chartres

Bernard De Chartres

French philosopher

born 11th century, , Brittany
died c. 1130, , possibly Paris

      Humanist and philosopher, head of the celebrated school of Chartres, in France, whose attempt to reconcile the thought of Plato with that of Aristotle made him the principal representative of 12th-century Platonism in the West.

      A teacher of logic and grammar at the cathedral school of Chartres (where his brother, Thierry de Chartres, also taught) from 1114, Bernard was elected chancellor of the school in 1119. He seems to have played some part in the movement that was to turn grammar into a field of philosophical speculation. For Bernard as grammarian, the relation of the primitive word to its derivatives was of the same sort as the relation of the Platonic Idea to its immersion in the material world. Thus, a white object, for example, immediately suggested to Bernard the source of its reality in the eternal Idea of whiteness. Apparently called to teach philosophy at Paris in 1124, he had as a student John of Salisbury, later secretary to Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury, and bishop of Chartres. John's treatises are the chief sources for data on Bernard's life and thought.

      According to the Metalogicon (1159) of John of Salisbury, Bernard wrote three works: a treatise, De expositione Porphyrii (“On the Interpretation of Porphyry,” the 4th-century Neoplatonist logician); a verse form of the same tract; and a comparative study of Plato and Aristotle. Although only three fragments of Bernard's verse are extant, his philosophical doctrine can be determined from a résumé given in John's Metalogicon. Reflecting the early Platonism of the anonymous 5th-century philosopher known as Pseudo-Dionysius and his 9th-century interpreter John Scotus Erigena, Bernard proposed the basic Platonic dichotomy between the real world of eternal Ideas and the apparent world of material objects. According to Bernard, reality is composed of three invisible, immutable principles: God, Ideas, and matter. The Ideas are not coeternal with God but possess only a derived eternity. The manner of the Ideas' existence in the world of matter is that of a forma nativa (“begotten form”), or a projected copy of the eternal exemplar immanent in God. Immersed in matter, thebegotten form,” Bernard held, constitutes sensible objects able to move. Matter of itself is immobile.

      The texts of Bernard preserved in John of Salisbury's Metalogicon are contained in the series Patrologia Latina, edited by J.-P. Migne, vol. 199 (1890).

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