Berlingske Tidende

Berlingske Tidende

Danish newspaper
      (Danish:Berling's Times”), morning daily newspaper published in Copenhagen, generally regarded as Denmark's (Denmark) leading paper.

      Established in 1749 by a German printer, Ernst Heinrich Berling, as a semiweekly called the Københavnske Danske Post-Tidende, it became a daily in 1841. It managed to operate with some degree of independence under modified government sponsorship for nearly a century and a half. Rigid government censorship of the press ended completely in 1849 with the new Danish constitution. The paper broke all ties with the government in 1901.

      Moderate to conservative throughout its history, Berlingske Tidende appeals to a broad readership. It combines serious journalism, emphasizing foreign news, and varied and entertaining features.

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Universalium. 2010.

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