Benedict (XIV)

Benedict (XIV)

original name  Bernard Garnier  
died c. 1433

      counter-antipope from 1425 to c. 1430.

      In 1417 the Council of Constance (Constance, Council of) deposed the antipope Pope Benedict (XIII) and elected Martin V, thus officially terminating the Western Schism between Avignon and Rome. However, Benedict, protected in his castle of Peñíscola in Valencia, resisted until his death in 1423 and even reconstituted his court by creating four new cardinals. The intrigues of King Alfonso V of Aragon, who wanted to prolong the Schism, caused this College of Cardinals in 1423 to elect a new antipope, Clement VIII (who reigned until his abdication in 1429). Meanwhile, Jean Carrier, one of Benedict's cardinals, who had not been invited to the conclave of 1423, held his own conclave in the castle of Peñíscola and elected (Nov. 12, 1425) Bernard Garnier as Benedict XIV, who was thus an antipope countering an already reigning antipope. Garnier had formerly been the sacristan of Rodez, County of Rodez, near Toulouse.

      As Benedict XIV, Garnier so secretly conducted his office that even his residence was uncertain, and he thus became known as thehidden pope.” In a letter from the Count of Armagnac to St. Joan of Arc, it is revealed that only Carrier knew Benedict's location. Benedict, having few followers, ended his reign in 1430, naming one Jean Farald as cardinal.

      Carrier was captured in 1433 and imprisoned in the castle of Foix, County of Foix, Gascony. Upon Garnier's death, presumably about the same time, Cardinal Farald, continuing the peculiar fanaticism of his uncanonical tradition, elected Carrier as pope. Hereignedimprisoned as a self-styled Benedict XIV, dying on an unknown date.

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Universalium. 2010.

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