Baunsgaard, Hilmar

Baunsgaard, Hilmar

Danish politician
born February 26, 1920, Slagelse, Denmark
died June 30, 1989

      Denmark's leading nonsocialist politician during the 1960s and '70s. He served as prime minister of a coalition government from 1968 until 1971.

      Entering the Radical Party's youth organization in 1936, Baunsgaard rose to become its chairman in 1948. He remained in that office until 1957; then, after a successful career in the grocery industry, he entered the Folketing (parliament). The recognized spokesman of the Radical Party, he became minister of commerce in 1961 in the Cabinet of Viggo Kampmann, continuing in that post until 1964. From 1964 to 1968 he served as director of an advertising firm, and in 1968 he became prime minister of a nonsocialist coalition government. During his term in office Baunsgaard successfully supported the abolition of the pornography laws as well as Danish entry into the European Economic Community (EEC). During his tenure, however, the economy worsened, and the government was forced to increase taxes. After the socialists regained power in the 1971 general election, Baunsgaard remained leader of the Radical Liberals. He retired from the Folketing in 1977 to return to the private sector as chairman of the daily newspaper Politiken.

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