

Gaelic  Barraigh 

      Atlantic island of the Outer Hebrides group, Western Isles council area, historic county of Inverness-shire, Scotland, about 5 miles (8 km) southwest of the neighbouring island of South Uist. Formed of gneiss, it is about 10 miles (16 km) long and, with its neighbouring islets, covers about 35 square miles (90 square km). It reaches an elevation of 1,260 feet (384 metres) at Heaval. Castlebay, on the southeastern coast, is the chief settlement, with a pier and steamer connections with Mallaig and Oban. A road 14 miles (22 km) long runs around the island. A lighthouse crowns the rock of Barra Head, which at 630 feet (192 metres) is the highest point on Berneray, the southernmost islet. There are prehistoric stone circles, Viking duns (castles), and the medieval Kisimul Castle, stronghold of the Macneils, a Scottish clan. Scottish Gaelic (Scots Gaelic language) is still spoken by the island's predominantly Roman Catholic population. Considerable emigration has occurred with the decline of herring fishing, which, with poor semisubsistence farming, was formerly the mainstay of the economy. Tourism is economically important today. Pop. (2001) 1,078.

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  • barra — (De or. inc.), quizá del lat. vulg. *barra). 1. f. Pieza de metal u otra materia, de forma generalmente prismática o cilíndrica y mucho más larga que gruesa. 2. Palanca de hierro que sirve para levantar o mover cosas de mucho peso. 3. Rollo de… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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