Bar, Confederation of

Bar, Confederation of

Polish history
Polish  Barska Konfederacja (176872) 

      league of Polish nobles and gentry that was formed to defend the liberties of the nobility within the Roman Catholic Church and the independence of Poland from Russian encroachment. Its activities precipitated a civil war, foreign intervention, and the First Partition of Poland.

      In February 1768, Russia had compelled the Polish Sejm (legislature) to abandon projects for internal reform, to grant full political rights to religious dissenters (i.e., members of the Protestant and Orthodox faiths), and to make Poland a Russian protectorate. In reaction, Adam Krasiński, the bishop of Kamieniec, Józef Pułaski, and Michał Krasiński organized a confederation at the little fortress of Bar in Podolia (Feb. 29, 1768) to oppose both the Polish king Stanisław II August Poniatowski and Russia.

      Forced by the king's army to abandon Bar, the confederates were generally checked in Poland's southeastern provinces (summer 1768) by Russian troops, who had been occupying Warsaw during the Sejm's session. Nevertheless, uprisings occurred in support of the confederation in all of Poland's major cities; and under the military leadership of Ignacy Malczewski, Prince Karol Radziwiłł, and Kazimierz Pułaski (Pułaski, Kazimierz), the confederates spread their rebellion throughout the country and gained the support of the Turks (who declared war on Russia on Oct. 8, 1768) and of the French (who sent advisers and some troops to the confederates). The confederates proclaimed the dethronement of Stanisław (Oct. 22, 1770) and refused to surrender to the Russians, whose continued military victories culminated in General Aleksandr Vasilyevich Suvorov (Suvorov, Aleksandr Vasilyevich, Graf Rimniksky, Knyaz Italiysky, Reichsgraf)'s triumph over the confederate army near Lanckorona (May 1771).

      Although the Confederation of Bar stubbornly pursued its struggle until its last contingent was defeated at Częstochowa (Aug. 18, 1772), it failed to overthrow Stanisław or to end Russian domination over Polish affairs. Furthermore, its campaigns so devastated the country and weakened the government that Poland was defenseless when Prussia, and eventually Austria, agreed (Feb. 17 and Aug. 5, 1772) to partition Poland, which was compelled to cede almost one-third of its territory to the three partitioning powers.

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