Balmain, Pierre

Balmain, Pierre

French couturier
in full  Pierre-Alexandre-Claudius Balmain 
born May 18, 1914, Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, Fr.
died June 29, 1982, Paris

      French couturier who in 1945 founded a fashion house that made his name a byword for elegance. His clients included the Duchess of Windsor (Windsor, Wallis Warfield, duchess of), the Queen of Belgium, and many of the leading film stars of the 1950s, as well as the experimental writer Gertrude Stein (Stein, Gertrude) and her companion, Alice B. Toklas.

      “Dressmaking is the architecture of movement,” declared Balmain, who had initially studied architecture. After apprenticing with Captain Edward Molyneux, he joined the firm of Lucien Lelong, where he worked with Christian Dior (Dior, Christian), who was to become his main rival during their heyday in the postwar years. The House of Balmain was an immediate success, its clothes characterized by superb quality, particularly in evening wear, which combined femininity with an imposing elegance. He rapidly expanded, opening branches in New York City and Caracas and diversifying into perfume and accessories. Among the actors for whom he designed clothing were Marlene Dietrich (Dietrich, Marlene), Katharine Hepburn (Hepburn, Katharine), Sophia Loren (Loren, Sophia), Ingrid Bergman (Bergman, Ingrid), and Brigitte Bardot (Bardot, Brigitte).

      He published his memoir, My Years and Seasons, in 1964 and in 1978 was made an officer of the Legion of Honour.

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