Balādhurī, al-

Balādhurī, al-

Arab historian
in full  Aḥmad Ibn Yaḥyā Al-balādhurī 
died c. 892

      Arabic historian best known for his history of the formation of the Arab Muslim empire.

      Al-Balādhurī lived most of his life in Baghdad and studied there and in Syria. He was for some time a favoured visitor at the Baghdad court of the ʿAbbāsid caliphs. His chief extant work, a condensation of a longer history, Futūḥ al-buldān (The Origins of the Islamic State, 1916, 1924), tells of the wars and conquests of the Muslim Arabs from the time of the Prophet Muḥammad. It covers the conquests of lands from Arabia west to Egypt, North Africa, and Spain and east to Iraq, Iran, and Sind. Al-Balādhurī drew on oral history and on the few earlier biographies and campaign accounts, giving variants and authorities for them. His history, in turn, was much used by later writers. Ansāb al-ashrāf (“Lineage of the Nobles”), also extant, is a biographical work in genealogical order devoted to the Arab aristocracy, from Muḥammad and his contemporaries to the Umayyad and ʿAbbāsid caliphs. It contains histories of the reigns of rulers.

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Universalium. 2010.

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