Baïf, Jean-Antoine de

Baïf, Jean-Antoine de

French poet
born 1532, Venice [Italy]
died October 1589, Paris, France

      most learned of the seven French poets who constituted the group known as La Pléiade.

      Baïf received a classical education and in 1547 went with Pierre de Ronsard to study under Jean Dorat at the Collège de Coqueret, Paris, where they planned, with Joachim du Bellay, to transform French poetry by imitating the ancients and the Italians. To this program Baïf contributed two collections of Petrarchan sonnets and Epicurean lyrics, Les Amours de Méline (1552) and L'Amour de Francine (1555). In 1567 Le Brave, ou Taillebras, Baïf's lively adaptation of Plautus' Miles gloriosus, was played at court and published.

      Baïfwho was the natural son of Lazare de Baïf, humanist and diplomatenjoyed royal favour and received pensions and benefices from Charles IX and Henry III. His Euvres en rime (1573; “Works in Rhyme”) reveal great erudition: Greek (especially Alexandrian), Latin, neo-Latin, and Italian models are imitated for mythological poems, eclogues, epigrams, and sonnets. His verse translations include Terence's Eunuchus and Sophocles' Antigone.

      Baïf was a versatile, inventive poet and experimenter who, for example, invented and made use of a system of phonetic spelling. With the musician Thibault de Courville, Baïf founded a short-lived Academy of Poetry and of Music in order to promote certain Platonic theories on the union of poetry and music. His metrical inventions included a vers baïfin, a verse of 15 syllables. His theories were exemplified in Etrénes de poezie fransoèze en vers mezurés (1574; “Gifts of French Poetry in Quantitative Verse”) and in his little songs, Chansonnettes mesurées (1586), with music written by Jacques Mauduit. His Mimes, enseignements et proverbes (1576; “Mimes, Lessons, and Proverbs”) is considered to be his most original work.

      Baïf was a personal poet whose gifts were inferior to his genius for invention of form and language; but he had a talent for vivid, realistic description, particularly in scenes of country life and in satire.

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