

Breton  Alre 

      town, Morbihan département, Bretagne ( Brittany) région, northwestern France, on the Auray Estuary. It is situated 7.5 miles (12 km) from the Atlantic, southwest of Rennes. Its château (demolished 1558) was a residence of the dukes of Brittany. Outside its walls in 1364 the War of the Breton Succession was ended by the victory of Jean de Montfort and his English allies over Montfort's cousin, Charles de Blois. The battle involved two French military folk-heroes, Bertrand du Guesclin (Guesclin, Bertrand du) and Olivier de Clisson (Clisson, Olivier de). The church erected on the battleground by Montfort is now a school for the deaf. In 1795 on the nearby Champ des Martyrs, 952 Chouans, local antirevolutionary guerrillas, were killed.

      The quarter of Saint-Goustan, in which Benjamin Franklin (Franklin, Benjamin), as a member of the American Commission, stayed in 1776, is a picturesque neighbourhood of 15th-century houses. Auray's Gothic-Renaissance Basilica of Sainte-Anne d'Auray is a noted place of pilgrimage in Brittany. Auray is a small service centre with some industry (wood products and processed foods). Local oyster beds are also renowned. Tourism has expanded, centred around the town's port and yachting harbour. Pop. (1999) 10,911; (2005 est.) 12,100.

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  • Auray — (An Alre) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Auray — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Auray An Alre …   Wikipedia Español

  • Auray —   [o rɛ], Fischereihafen mit historischem Stadtkern im Département Morbihan, Bretagne, Frankreich, an einer Bucht des Golfs von Morbihan, 10 300 Einwohner;   Wirtschaft:   im Mündungsbereich des Flusses Auray und im vorgelagerten Golf bedeutende… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Auray — (spr. Orä), 1) Fluß im Bezirk Vannes des französischen Departements Morbihan, mündet in den Meerbusen von Morbihan; 2) Stadt an demselben Hafen, Sardellenfischerei, Handel, Taubstummenanstalt u. 3900 Ew. Hier zum Entsatz von A., 1364 Schlacht… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Auray — (spr. oräh), Hafenstadt im franz. Dep. Morbihan, am schiffbaren Loch, (1901) 6485 E …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Auray — (Orä), Stadt in Frankreich im Depart. Morbihan, 4000 E., Hafen, lebhafter Handel. Hier 1364 Schlacht, durch welche Frankreich die Bretagne gewann …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Auray — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Auray (homonymie). 47° 40′ 07″ N 2° 58′ 53″ W …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Auray — French commune nomcommune=Auray native name=An Alre caption=The harbour of Auray (the bridge is off left) x = 40 y = 103 lat long=coord|47|40|07|N|2|58|53|W|region:FR type:city région=Bretagne département=Morbihan arrondissement=Lorient… …   Wikipedia

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