Aukrust, Olav

Aukrust, Olav

Norwegian poet
born January 21, 1883, Gudbrandsdalen, Norway
died November 3, 1929, Gudbrandsdalen

      regional poet whose verse contributed to the development of Nynorsk (New Norwegian; an amalgam of rural Norwegian dialects) as a literary language.

      Born in a narrow, often sunless valley flanked by steep mountains, Aukrust was raised by pietistic parents and was early on much interested in religious questions. Although he was often plagued by ill health, he became a teacher and later headmaster at a folk high school. As a young man he was an eager student of the language spoken in the countryside and received a government stipend to study Gudbrandsdalen dialects, in which all his verse is written. Drawing inspiration from the folk legends, natural surroundings, and peasant life of his native area, Aukrust celebrated traditional Norwegian values as he aimed to formulate a new national and religious program in poetic form. As a result, although he wrote about matters of universal interest, he remained a regional poet. The mystical poem Himmelvarden (1916; “Cairn of Heaven”) is considered his most important work.

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