Attenborough, Sir David

Attenborough, Sir David

British broadcaster and author
in full  Sir David Frederick Attenborough 
born May 8, 1926, London, Eng.

      English broadcaster and writer noted for his innovative educational programs on television.

      Attenborough early developed a strong interest in natural history. He was educated at Clare College, Cambridge (M.A., 1947), and began work at an educational publishing house in 1949. In 1952 he completed a training program at the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and became a television producer for the BBC. Together with the reptile curator Jack Lester, in 1954 he originated the television seriesZoo Quest,” in which live animals were filmed in the wild and in zoos. This show proved enormously popular and widened the scope of the educational programming offered by the BBC. In 1965 Attenborough became controller of the BBC's new second television channel, BBC-2. In this capacity he helped launch the dramatic production The Forsyte Saga and such landmark cultural-educational series as Jacob Bronowski's The Ascent of Man and Kenneth Clark's Civilisation.

      Attenborough was director of television programming of the BBC from 1968 to 1972, but he resigned to write and produce television series on a freelance basis. He subsequently wrote (and narrated) a succession of award-winning television series on anthropology and natural history, including Life on Earth (1979), The Living Planet (1984), The Trials of Life (1990), and The Life of Birds (1998). His later series State of the Planet (2000) and Are We Changing Planet Earth? (2006) dealt heavily with environmental issues such as global warming. Attenborough, the brother of the actor and motion-picture producer Sir Richard Attenborough, was knighted in 1985.

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Universalium. 2010.

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