

      predominant people of Timor, easternmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia. They inhabit the central and western plains and mountains of the island and number about 530,000. Of Proto-Malay and Melanoid stock, they speak a Malayo-Polynesian dialect called Timorese. Atoni legend claims they fled to their present location when Tetum (Belu) princes migrated to inner Timor. The Atoni cultivate corn (maize) and rice, raise pigs, and collect honey, beeswax, and sandalwood for trade. Unlike other ethnic groups on Timor, they do no fishing. Their agricultural cycle determines the rhythm of life, and a strict division of labour exists between men and women in the agricultural process. Organized into patrilineal descent groups, Atoni families consist of a husband and wife, unmarried children, and married sons, as well as married daughters until the bride-price is fully paid. The local political authority is the village headman. Although Christianity was introduced by missionaries after 1910, traditional animism and religious rites of passage, modified somewhat by earlier Hindu influence, continue to be important. The Atoni honour a Lord of Heaven and a Lord of Earth, as well as ancestor spirits and forces of the hidden world.

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Universalium. 2010.

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