

cartoon character
French  Astérix 

      French cartoon character, a small-statured, cunning Gallic warrior who, with the help of a magical strength potion, defends his village and goes on comic globe-trotting adventures. Asterix was created by writer René Goscinny (Goscinny, René) and illustrator Albert Uderzo and debuted in 1959 in the French comic magazine Pilote.

      Asterix is one of the most beloved characters in French popular culture. He resides in a remote Gaulish village in the middle of the Roman Empire, as does his best friend, Obelisk. Having fallen into a vat of the potion when he was an infant, Obelisk is extraordinarily strong. He is also rather clumsy and is the frequent (if unwitting) source of injuries and accidents in the village. He is not allowed to drink the strength potion for fear that it will make him even more destructive, and his attempts to sneak a draft are the source of many comic mishaps.

      Asterix, Obelisk, and their fellow villagers regularly scuffle with Roman legionnaires, an activity that the Gauls thoroughly enjoy. Asterix's adventures carry him to many locales, including Spain, Greece, Egypt, and (precolonial) America. Foreign cultures are portrayed in humorous stereotype (as are the French); Asterix generally responds to their foibles with amazed disbelief. He inevitably contributes something substantive to the cultures he visits, such as bringing about the Britons' discovery of tea and the Belgians' creation of French fries.

      Goscinny and Uderzo began working together in 1951, creating a number of comic book heroes who met with varying degrees of success. The 1959 debut of Asterix was an immediate sensation, and the character quickly became the central focus of the collaborators' careers. In 1977 Goscinny died suddenly at age 51, in the middle of the production of Asterix's 24th boundalbum.” Uderzo continued creating new Asterix stories as both writer and illustrator, though he kept Goscinny's name on the cover of all subsequent volumes.

      In addition to more than 30 comic book albums, which have been translated into dozens of languages, Asterix has spawned a number of live-action and animated films, a vast array of merchandise, and even an amusement park, Parc Astérix, north of Paris.

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Universalium. 2010.

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