Association Internationale Africaine

Association Internationale Africaine

African organization
English  African International Association 

      a society of explorers, geographers, and philanthropists formed in September 1876 at the instigation of Leopold II, king of the Belgians, tocivilizeCentral Africa.

      At its formation it was intended that the association, with headquarters in Brussels, should be divided into national committees, each of which was to be organized and financed by the country to which its committee members belonged. This plan was never fully implemented. Only Leopold had a strong investment in its success. Great Britain preferred to maintain friendly relations of correspondence with the Belgian and other committees without hampering itselfwith engagements of an international nature.” The French, toopreoccupied as always with their territories in Equatorial Africa and already active in the Congo Basinwere to act more as rivals to the association than as friends.

      Belgium was the first to appoint a national committee, whose directorLeopold II himselffinanced the organization from his private fortune. Sending an expedition from the east coast of Africa to Lake Tanganyika (1877) and authorizing Belgian officers to establish a fortified post at Karema (1879), he dreamed of establishing similar posts across the continent so thatour roads and posts will greatly assist the evangelization of the blacks and the introduction among them of commerce and modern industry.” After H.M. Stanley's discovery of the Congo River in 1877, however, Leopold's attention became focused on the Congo Basin, and he lost interest in the association's broader goals. With the loss of Leopold's commitment, the association became inactive.

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Universalium. 2010.

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