- ashrama
▪ Hinduismin Hinduism, any of the four spiritual abodes, or stages of life, through which the “twice-born” Hindu ideally will pass. The stages are those of (1) the student (brahmacari), marked by chastity, devotion, and obedience to one's teacher, (2) the householder (grihastha), requiring marriage, the begetting of sons, work toward sustaining one's family and helping support priests and holy men, and fulfillment of duties toward gods and ancestors, (3) the hermit (vanaprastha), beginning when a man has seen the sons of his sons and consisting of withdrawal from concern with material things and pursuit of solitude and ascetic and yogic practices, and (4) the homeless mendicant ( sannyasi), involving leaving the hermitage and renouncing all one's possessions to wander from place to place begging for food, concerned only with the eternal. Traditionally, moksha (spiritual liberation) should be the pursuit of a man only during the last two stages of his life. Women do not traditionally follow this path but instead remain in a dependent relationship with men and are responsible for maintaining domestic religious life.Ashrama, familiarly spelled ashram in English, has come to denote a place of refuge, especially one removed from urban life, where spiritual and yogic disciplines are pursued. Ashrams are often associated with a central teaching figure, a guru, who is the object of adulation by the residents of the ashram. The guru may or may not belong to a formally constituted order or spiritual community.
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Universalium. 2010.