Ascanian Dynasties

Ascanian Dynasties

German history
      branches of a German family influential from the 12th century to 1918. The name, adopted during the first quarter of the 12th century, was derived from Aschersleben, where the counts of Ballenstedt had a castle in the midst of possessions northeast of the Harz mountains.

      Albert the Bear (see Albert I under Albert [Brandenburg]) was the first to raise the family's rank from that of count to margrave. Having been invested with the North Mark in 1134, he extended it east of the Elbe River to form the Mark of Brandenburg. These lands remained under the senior branch of the Ascanians until it became extinct in 1320.

      In 1180, meanwhile, on the fall of Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony and Bavaria, Bernard (Bernhard; d. 1212), one of Albert's younger sons, had obtained those of Henry's territories in the Elbe region that carried the title duke of Saxony. In 1260 these lands were divided into two duchies, Saxe-Lauenburg in the northwest and Saxe-Wittenberg in central Germany, for the sons of Bernard's son Albert. Saxe-Wittenberg, which secured the Saxon electoral title in 1356, passed in 1423, on the extinction of the Ascanian branch there, to the margraves of Meissen (of the House of Wettin). Thus the name Saxony, which originally belonged to a tribal land in the North German plain, was transferred to the southeast and to the upper Elbe. The Ascanians of Saxe-Lauenburg, however, lasted until 1689.

      Yet another Ascanian principality was Anhalt, the basis of which was formed when the original possessions of the family (from Aschersleben to Zerbst and Dessau) passed to Bernard's elder son Henry in 1212. The Ascanians ruled in Anhalt until 1918.

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