Arnaut Daniel

Arnaut Daniel

Provençal poet and troubadour
Arnaut also spelled  Arnaud  
flourished 11801200

      Provençal poet, troubadour, and master of the trobar clus, a poetic style composed of complex metrics, intricate rhymes, and words chosen more for their sound than for their meaning.

      Thought to have been born in Ribérac (now in France), Arnaut was a nobleman and a highly regarded traveling troubadour. He is credited with inventing the sestina, a lyrical form of six six-line stanzas, unrhymed, with an elaborate scheme of word repetition. His skill with language was admired by Petrarch and in the 20th century by Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot. His greatest influence, however, was on Dante, who imitated him and gave him a prominent place in Purgatory as a model for the vernacular poet. Arnaut's speech in Provençal is the only passage in the Divine Comedy (Divine Comedy, The) not in Italian.

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