Arghezi, Tudor

Arghezi, Tudor

▪ Romanian author
pseudonym of  Ion N. Theodorescu 
born May 21, 1880, Bucharest, Rom.
died July 14, 1967, Bucharest

      Romanian poet, novelist, and essayist whose creation of a new lyric poetry led to his recognition as one of the foremost writers in Romania. He produced his best work in the years before World War I.

      Arghezi, who left home at age 11, first published a poem at age 14. In 1899 he took holy orders in a monastery in Cernica, but he soon renounced them. After traveling through Europe, he resettled in Bucharest in 1910. He was a pacifist during World War I and was jailed in 1918 for contributing to a pro-German newspaper.

      Arghezi's reputation was established with his first poetry collection, Cuvinte potrivite (1927; “Suitable Words”). It contained poems on religious anguish and on sympathy for peasants that were characterized by violent imagery and innovative prosody. In 1930 he published two novels detailing troublesome periods in his life: Icoane de lemn (“Wooden Icons”), about his disillusioning experiences as a monk, and Poaria neagră (“Black Gate”), about his imprisonment.

      Arghezi's other notable works published in the 1930s include the dystopian satire Tablete din ţara de Kuty (1933; “Tablets from the Land of Kuty”), a series of bitter prose essays written in 1935–36, and his poetic celebrations of nature and childhood: Cartea cu jucării (1931; “Book of Toys”), Cărticică de seară (1935; “Booklet for the Evening”), and Hore (1939; “Round Dances”). His career as a poet and a polemicist flourished until he was again imprisoned during World War II. After the war his failure to embrace Socialist Realism brought him into conflict with the communist regime. His later writings, which reflect his attempt to adapt to the new official standards, lacked his former vigour. They include 1907 (1955) and Cîntare omului (1956; “Hymn to Mankind”). English translations of several of his poems were published in Selected Poems of Tudor Arghezi (1976).

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