

      județ (county), southern Romania. The Transylvanian Alps (Southern Carpathians) and the sub-Carpathians rise above the settlement areas that are found in intermontane valleys. The county is drained eastward by the Argeș, Cotmeana, and Teleorman rivers. It was formerly included in feudal Walachia. Agricultural activities consist of vineyard and orchard cultivation and livestock raising. Pitești (Piteşti), an oil-processing centre, is the county capital. Manufactures of Pitești and other towns in the county include machinery, textiles, and paper. Coal and lignite are mined north of Mihăiești, and salt mines, located near Apa Sărată, were worked from the Roman occupation until the 12th century. A hydroelectric dam, measuring about 541 feet (165 m) high and 1,007 feet (307 m) long impounds Lake Vidraru. Curtea de Argeș (Curtea de Argeş) town has a 16th-century church that, according to legend, contained the body of the church architect's wife inhumed in the walls. Câmpulung, a former Roman fortified settlement, has a 13th-century monastery; and Golești town is known for a 17th-century manor that was owned by the Goleseu family. A 16th-century sandstone church and hermitage and the house of the poet George (or Gheorghe) Topârceanu (18861937) are found in Namaești. Topoloveni town has a craft cooperative that makes traditional costumes and wood carvings. The 15th-century fortress of Poenari was constructed, overlooking the Argeș River valley, by Vlad III (Vlad Țepeș, or Vlad the Impaler), a prince known for executing his enemies by impalement, who may have been the prototype for Count Dracula in Bram Stoker's novel (1897). The fortress has a stairway of some 1,400 steps. An arboretum, a forestry experimental station, and a roe deer reserve are found in Mihăiești; and ancient limestone quarries, designated a natural monument, are located near Albești. The road between Pitești and Câmpulung was a former Roman-Dacian route. Most of the county's railway lines and highways parallel river courses. Area 2,636 square miles (6,826 square km). Pop. (2007 est.) 644,236.

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Universalium. 2010.

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