

plant family
      the custard-apple, or annona, family, the largest family of the magnolia order (Magnoliales). According to some authorities, it contains 129 genera and 2,220 species. Many species are valuable for their large pulpy fruits, some are useful for their timber, and others are prized as ornamentals. The family consists of trees, shrubs, and woody climbers found mainly in the tropics, although a few species extend into temperate regions.

      Leaves and wood are often fragrant. Leaves are simple, with smooth margins, and alternately arranged in two rows along the stems. The radially symmetrical flowers are usually bisexual. In most species the three sepals are united at the base. There are six brown, yellow, or greenish petals, many stamens in a spiral, and many pistils, each with a one-chambered ovary containing many ovules. The fruit is a berry. Flowers in some species are borne directly on large branches or on the trunk (cauliflorous).

      Bark, leaves, and roots of many species are important in folk medicine, and others bear edible fruits or are important sources of perfume and spice.

      A handsome ornamental of the family is the weeping form of the mast tree (Polyalthia longifolia pendula), of Sri Lanka. Its shining, brilliant green, willowy, wavy-edged leaves hang from pendant branches that almost clasp the tall, straight trunk. The leaves are used as temple decorations in India.

      A South American tree, Porcelia saffordiana, bears immense fruits sometimes weighing 18 kg (40 pounds) or more.

      Several species of Annona bear highly prized fruits. The alligator apple (A. glabra) of tropical America and western Africa, also known as pond apple and corkwood, is a 12-metre (40-foot) evergreen with 18-centimetre- (7-inch-) long oval leaves and fragrant yellowish flowers. It bears smooth, gnarled, yellowish fruits, 510 cm long, which are edible but of poor flavour. Its roots are used to make bottle corks and fishing floats and as rootstock for grafting less hardy species of Annona.

      The custard apple (A. reticulata), a small, tropical American tree, gives the family one of its common names. Also known as bullock's-heart for its globose shape, it has fruits with creamy white, sweetish, custardlike flesh.

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Universalium. 2010.

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