Angiolieri, Cecco

Angiolieri, Cecco

Italian poet
born c. 1260, , Siena [Italy]
died c. 1312

      poet who is considered by some the first master of Italian comic verse.

      It is known that Angiolieri married, had children, did military service, was exiled for a time, sometimes had trouble with the law, and was a lover of women, drink, and gambling. Apparently an irascible man, Angiolieri pours contempt in various sonnets upon his parents, his wife, his former mistress, and such contemporary poets as Dante and Guido Cavalcanti. Some critics, however, attribute his subject matter and attitude to the medieval goliard tradition, whose followers were writers of ribald and disrespectful verse, rather than to his own meanness of temper. In any event, poetic skill, vivid language, and a keen sense of the incongruities of life enliven his poems.

      Angiolieri's works have been collected in Sonetti burleschi e realistici dei primi due secoli (1920; “Comic and Realistic Sonnets of the First Two Centuries”) and in Il canzoniere (1946; “The Collection of Sonnets”), the latter a gathering of 150 poems. The Sonnets of a Handsome and Well-Mannered Rogue, translated by Thomas Chubb, appeared in 1970.

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