Angell, James Rowland

Angell, James Rowland

American psychologist and educator
born May 8, 1869, Burlington, Vt., U.S.
died March 4, 1949, Hamden, Conn.

      psychologist and university president who rebuilt and reorganized Yale University in the 1920s and '30s.

      A son of educator James Burrill Angell, the young Angell studied psychology at the University of Michigan under John Dewey (Dewey, John), at Harvard University under William James and Josiah Royce, and at the Universities of Berlin and Halle. After a year as an instructor at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Angell was asked by Dewey to be assistant professor of psychology at the new University of Chicago (Chicago, University of) (1894). While there, he served successively as director of the psychological laboratory (18941901), professor and head of the psychology department (190519), dean of faculties (191119), and acting president (191819). During World War I he helped to develop intelligence testing for the U.S. Army. Angell was elected president of the American Psychological Association (1906) and later served as editor of Psychological Monographs (191222).

      In 1920 Angell accepted the presidency of the Carnegie Corporation and in 1921 became the 14th president of Yaleat the time, a rare appointment for a non-Yale graduate. Under his administration (192137), Yale prospered intellectually, socially, and materially. His published works include several books on psychology as well as American Education (1937), The Higher Patriotism (1938), and War Propaganda and the Radio (1940).

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  • James Rowland Angell — (1869 1949) was an American psychologist and educator. He served as the president of Yale University between 1921 and 1937. His father, James Burrill Angell (1829 1916), was president of the University of Vermont from 1866 to 1871 and then the… …   Wikipedia

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  • James Angell — may refer to:*James Burrill Angell President of the University of Michigan *James Rowland Angell President of Yaleee also*Jim Angel, Australian radio news presenter *Jimmie Angel, American aviator …   Wikipedia

  • Angell —   [ eɪndʒəl],    1) James Rowland, amerikanischer Psychologe, * Burlington (Vermont) 8. 5. 1869, ✝ Hamden (Conneticut) 4. 3. 1949; studierte u. a. bei W. Wundt, war 1921 37 Präsident der Yale University. Gegen den »Strukturalismus« der Wundtschen …   Universal-Lexikon

  • James Burrill Angell — Infobox Person name = James Burrill Angell birth date = January 7, 1829 birth place = Scituate, Rhode Island death date = April 1, 1916 death place = Ann Arbor, Michigan resting place = Forest Hill Cemetery resting coordinates = coord|42.278226|… …   Wikipedia

  • Angell — The family name Angell can refer to the following people:*David Angell *George Thorndike Angell, Founder of the American Humane Education Society, philanthropist, criminologist *James Burrill Angell, President of the University of Michigan *James …   Wikipedia

  • Angell — /ayn jeuhl/, n. 1. James Rowland /roh leuhnd/, 1869 1949, U.S. educator. 2. Norman (Sir Ralph Norman Angell Lane), 1874 1967, English pacifist, economist, and writer: Nobel peace prize 1933. 3. a male or female given name. * * * …   Universalium

  • Angell — /ayn jeuhl/, n. 1. James Rowland /roh leuhnd/, 1869 1949, U.S. educator. 2. Norman (Sir Ralph Norman Angell Lane), 1874 1967, English pacifist, economist, and writer: Nobel peace prize 1933. 3. a male or female given name …   Useful english dictionary

  • Frank Angell — was a prominent early American psychologist. The nephew of University of Vermont and University of Michigan president, James Burrill Angell and cousin of University of Chicago psychologist and Yale University president James Rowland Angell, Frank …   Wikipedia

  • ЭНДЖЕЛЛ Джеймс Роуленд — (Angell, James Rowland) (1869 1949), американский психолог, президент Йельского университета в 1921 1937. Родился в Берлингтоне (шт. Вермонт) 8 мая 1869. В 1890 окончил Мичиганский университет; продолжал изучение философии в Гарварде и в Германии …   Энциклопедия Кольера

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