Andrea da Barberino

Andrea da Barberino

Italian author and singer
pseudonym of  Andrea de'Mangiabotti 
born c. 1370, Barberino di Val d'Elsa, near Florence [Italy]
died c. 1432, Florence

      ballad singer, prose writer, and compiler of epic tales.

      The material for Andrea's prose compilation of Charlemagne legends, I reali di Francia (1491; “The Royalty of France,” modern edition by G. Vandelli, 18921900), was drawn for the most part from earlier Italian versions, though the author added much pseudohistorical material and invented many exciting amplifications. His epic tale Guerrin meschino (1473; “Wretched Guerrino”), although told also by other writers, is largely of Andrea's own creation. It follows the fortunes of the slave-born hero Guerrino, who emerges strong and unshaken from a multitude of fantastic adventures and dangers to discover his royal parentage, secure his parents' release from prison, marry a Persian princess, and live happily until his death.

      Andrea also compiled (and himself recited) such romances as Storie narbonesi (published 187382; “Stories of Narbonne”), Aspramonte, La storia di Ugone (1882; “The Story of Ugone”), and La discesa di Guerrino all'inferno (1882; “The Descent of Guerrino to Hell”).

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Universalium. 2010.

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