Ancillon, Johann Peter Friedrich
- Ancillon, Johann Peter Friedrich
▪ Prussian statesman
French Jean-pierre-frédéric Ancillon
born April 30, 1767, Berlin, Prussia
died April 19, 1837, Berlin
Prussian statesman, foreign minister, historian, and political philosopher who worked with the Austrian statesman Metternich to preserve the reactionary European political settlement of 1815.
Educated in Geneva, Ancillon acquired a chair in history at the Berlin Military Academy in 1792. After the publication of Tableau des révolutions du système politique de l'Europe depuis le XVe siècle, 4 vol. (1803–05; “View of European Political Revolutions Since the Fifteenth Century”), he was admitted to the Berlin Academy and became tutor to the future Frederick William IV, in whom he instilled a deep antipathy toward revolution.
During his service with the ministry of foreign affairs, which he headed from 1832 until his death, Ancillon, a Prussian nationalist and romantic, worked closely with Austria and Russia in combating liberalism.
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