Anchieta, José de

Anchieta, José de

Portuguese author and scholar
born March 19, 1534, Canary Islands, Spain
died June 9, 1597, Espírito Santo, Brazil

      Portuguese Jesuit acclaimed as a poet, dramatist, and scholar. He is considered one of the founders of the national literature of Brazil and is credited with converting more than a million Indians.

      Anchieta came from a prominent Portuguese family and was even thought to be related to the founder of the Jesuit order, St. Ignatius Loyola. He was educated in Portugal and entered the Society of Jesus in 1551. He first arrived in Brazil on July 13, 1553, in what is now the province of Bahia. In 1554 he went to São Paulo, a new Jesuit settlement in the interior, where he played a major role in Jesuit efforts to convert the Indians. For the rest of his life he was influential in converting and helping the Indians, especially in trying to protect them from the institution of slavery, which was developing in the growing plantation economy of the Portuguese colony.

      Anchieta's most famous literary work was the Latin mystic poem De beata virgine dei matre Maria (“The Blessed Virgin Mary”). He also wrote and staged several religious plays in the Brazilian wilderness, many of which have been lost. In addition, he wrote the first grammar of the Indian language Tupí and many letters describing the Indians' way of life, customs, folklore, and diseases, as well as the flora and fauna of Brazil. His other accomplishments included playing a role in the founding of Brazil's two largest cities, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and the founding of three colleges (at Pernambuco, Bahia, and Rio de Janeiro). He became a provincial of the Jesuit order in Brazil in 1577.

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Universalium. 2010.

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