Amyntas III (or II)

Amyntas III (or II)

▪ king of Macedonia

died 370/369 BC

      king of Macedonia from about 393 to 370/369. His skillful diplomacy created a minor role for Macedonia in Greek affairs and prepared the way for its emergence as a great power under his son Philip II (ruled 359–336).

      Amyntas came to the throne during the disorders that plagued Macedonia after the death of the powerful king Archelaus (ruled c. 413–399). Amyntas soon had to fight off attacks by the Illyrians (of present-day Albania) and by the Chalcidian League, a confederation of cities of the Chalcidice peninsula, east of Macedonia. The threat from the latter was removed when intervention by Sparta led to the dissolution of the league in 379. Amyntas continued to maintain his independence by siding with the powers ascendant in Greece, including first Athens and then Thessaly, under its tyrant Jason of Pherae (ruled c. 385–370).

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