

 city, Bavaria Land (state), southeastern Germany. It lies on the Vils River, in the foothills of the Franconian Jura Mountains and the Bavarian Forest, southeast of Nürnberg. First mentioned in 1034, it was a court town with considerable trade (in iron and tinplate) and industry from the 14th to the 16th century. The ducal residence (until 1621) and the capital (until 1810) of the Upper Palatinate, it had many trading and shipping privileges and was considered one of the strongest fortified towns in medieval Germany. The old walls and town gates still stand. In 1796 the Austrians under Archduke Charles decisively defeated the French under General (later Marshal) Jean-Baptiste Jourdan (Jourdan, Jean-Baptiste, Count) there; the battle is recorded on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. The 15th-century town hall, the ducal castle, and the electoral palace are among the many surviving medieval and Baroque buildings. St. Martin's (1421) and St. George's (14th century, transformed into Baroque in the 18th century) churches and the pilgrimage church (16971702) on the Mariahilf-Berg are also notable. The state archives for the Upper Palatinate as well as the municipal archives are in Amberg, and there is a fine provincial library (founded 1730). Amberg's diversified industries include machinery, glass production, and publishing. Pop. (2003 est.) 44,596.

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