

also spelled  Alwur 

      city, northeastern Rajasthan (Rājasthān) state, northwestern India. The city is surrounded by a wall and moat and is dominated by a fort on a conical hill against a backdrop of a range of hills. Alwar was made the capital of Alwar princely state in 1775. It contains the 14th-century tomb of Tarang Sultan (the brother of Fīrūz Shah Tughluq) and several ancient mosques. The palace, which adjoins picturesque Siliserh Lake, contains a museum that houses a library of Hindi, Sanskrit, and Persian manuscripts and a collection of Rajasthani and Mughal miniature paintings. Alwar is an agricultural mart and a transportation centre. Its major industries include cloth weaving, oilseed and flour milling, and the manufacture of paint, varnish, and pottery. There are colleges affiliated with the University of Rajasthan. Nearby is the Sariska Tiger Reserve, covering about 300 square miles (800 square km), part of which was designated a national park in 1979. Pop. (2001) 260,593.

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