

Italian painter
born c. 1330, , Zevio, near Verona [Italy]
died after 1390, , Verona?
 early Renaissance painter who was the effective founder of the Veronese school and perhaps the most significant northern Italian artist of the 14th century.

      Altichiero began his career in Verona, where he remained for a number of years, although nothing is known of his work from this period. In 1370 he moved to Padua, perhaps at the invitation of Duke Francesco I Carrara, for whom he painted fresco portraits (since destroyed) offamous menin the Sala dei Giganti and the Palazzo del Capitano. His main surviving works are two fresco cycles done in Padua. The first (completed 1379), which includes a Crucifixion and scenes from the life of St. James, is in the Chapel of San Felice in the Basilica of San Antonio; the other (c. 1384), with scenes from the lives of St. George and other saints, is in the Cappella di San Giorgio nearby. The style of these frescoes follows that of the great Florentine painter Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) in the use of monumental, vital, and dramatically related figures.

      Altichiero's figures relate more realistically than do Giotto's to landscape and architecture, however, and Altichiero shows greater concern with harmonious composition. He sacrifices some of the drama and plastic validity of his scenes to achieve powerful two-dimensional rhythms. Probably in 1390 Altichiero returned to Verona, where he executed a final fresco series in the Church of Santa Anastasia.

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