- almendro
▪ tree(Dipteryx panamensis)tree of the Central American tropical forest canopy whose trunk forks repeatedly, resulting in a graceful, rounded crown. Bunches of flowers are produced at the end of the tree's branches after the onset of the rainy season, so that, within a month or two, the forest canopy is speckled with the purple crowns of flowering almendro. The very dense, hard wood is covered by smooth, pinkish to golden bark. The fruit, weighing 18–26 grams (0.63–0.92 ounces), contains a single seed encased in a thick, wooden pod covered by a thin layer of sweet, green pulp. In a good year, trees can produce 20 or more fruits per square metre of crown. Individual trees tend to alternate good and poor years.In Panama, almendro fruit ripens between December and April, alleviating the most prolonged and severe fruit shortage of the year. When a fruit crop ripens, numerous arboreal animals converge on the almendro; while on the ground, other animals seek out fruits that have fallen to the forest floor. Most of these animals simply eat the sweet pulp covering the fruit, but peccaries (peccary) and rodents gnaw through the wooden casing to reach the seed inside.Almendro fruit must be carried far from its parent tree and buried to have any chance of growing into a mature tree. Two animals play separate roles to accomplish this. A fruit bat (Artibeus lituratus) disperses the fruits by carrying them to feeding roosts far from the parent tree, where they chew off the pulp and drop the seeds. Agoutis (agouti) then carry off and bury some of the seeds. Most of these buried seeds are dug up and eaten later, but in a year of abundant fruit some will sprout and grow. (See rainforest ecosystem sidebar, “.”)
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Universalium. 2010.