

      museum in Dresden, Ger., displaying fine art and national treasures. It is one of several institutions associated with the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden.

      The Albertinum, named for King Albert of Saxony (Albert), was built on the foundations of a former armoury by Karl Adolf Canzler, who completed construction in 1887. The building was destroyed in World War II but reopened in 1953. The Albertinum is one of several historical buildings occupying Dresden's famous Kultur Quartier (“Cultural District”). Other notable buildings include the Semper Opera House, the Royal Palace, and Dresden's reconstructed Baroque cathedral, the Frauenkirche.

      The museum's Skulpturensammlung (“Sculpture Collection”) includes works from ancient Greece and Rome, as well as European carvings from antiquity to the present. A wing of the collection is devoted to Renaissance and Baroque works, and there are also Late Saxon wood carvings. The museum also houses the celebrated Galerie Neue Meister (“New Masters Gallery”), which contains more than 2,500 19th- and 20th-century paintings, placing it among Germany's most significant collections of modern art. Works include German and other European masterpieces dating from the Renaissance period to the present. The collection highlights German artists from the Romantic and Impressionist periods, as well as works by Die Brücke (Brücke, Die) (“The Bridge”), a collective of early 20th-century Dresden-based Expressionists (Expressionism). Major works by postwar and contemporary artists are also featured. One of the museum's stated curatorial goals is creating a vibrant conversation between old and new.

      Renovation began in 2006 to create a workshop, depository, and storage facility.

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