

ancient Syrian city, Turkey
modern  Tell Açana , also called  ʿAtshanah 

      ancient Syrian city in the Orontes (Asi) valley, southern Turkey. Excavations (193649) by Sir Leonard Woolley uncovered numerous impressive buildings, including a massive structure known as the palace of Yarim-Lim, dating from c. 1780 BC, when Alalakh was the chief city of the district of Mukish and was incorporated within the kingdom of Yamkhad.

      Excavations also revealed a towered palace, occupied by several successive rulers, one of whom, Idrimi, ruled for 30 years and probably died about 1450 BC. The town was raided frequently because of its border location, but it was always rebuilt and remained a rich centre until its final destruction by the Sea Peoples (Sea People) shortly after 1200 BC.

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