Ainsworth, Henry

Ainsworth, Henry

British theologian
born 1571, Swanton Morley, Norfolk, Eng.
died 1622?, Amsterdam, Neth.

      Nonconformist theologian, Hebrew scholar, and a leader of the English Separatist colony in Amsterdam.

      At first a Puritan, Ainsworth joined the Separatists who broke entirely with the Church of England. Driven abroad in the persecution of 1593, he settled in Amsterdam. When part of the London church of which Francis Johnson (then in prison) had been pastor was reassembled in Amsterdam, Ainsworth was chosen as its doctor, or teacher. In 1596 he drew up a confession of the church's faith, which he reissued in Latin in 1598. With Johnson, who rejoined the group in 1597, he composed in 1604 An Apology or Defence of Such True Christians as Are Commonly but Unjustly Called Brownists (after the Separatist Robert Browne). In 1610 Ainsworth was forced reluctantly to withdraw, with a large part of the church, from Johnson and his followers after a dispute over church government in which Ainsworth argued for congregational autonomy. From 1616 until his death, he devoted himself to writings that utilized his command of Hebrew, publishing Annotations on several Old Testament books.

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