Aichinger, Ilse

Aichinger, Ilse

Austrian author
born Nov. 1, 1921, Vienna, Austria

      Austrian poet and prose writer whose work, often surreal and presented in the form of parables, reflects her preoccupation with the Nazi persecution of the Jews during World War II.

      Aichinger's education was interrupted by World War II when, because she was half Jewish, she was refused entrance to medical school. Although she eventually did begin medical school in 1947, she left to concentrate on writing. Her only novel, Die grössere Hoffnung (“The Greater Hope”; Eng. trans., Herod's Children), was published in 1948. In 1953 she married the German poet Günther Eich, whom she had met through her participation in the Gruppe 47, a postwar group of German-speaking writers.

      In addition to her novel, Aichinger's works include Rede unter dem Galgen (1951; “Speech Under the Gallows”; Eng. trans., The Bound Man and Other Stories); Knöpfe (1953; “Buttons”), a radio play in which workers in a button factory slowly turn into the products they make; Plätze und Strassen (1954;“Squares and Streets”), a series of meditations on places in Vienna; Zu keiner Stunde (1957; “Never at Any Time”), a collection of surreal dialogues; and the short-story collection Schlechte Wörter (1976; “Inferior Words”), in which language is sometimes seen as a barrier to communication.

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  • AICHINGER, ILSE — (1921– ), Austrian writer and lyricist, and author of radio plays. One of twin daughters born to a Jewish physician and a teacher, Aichinger spent her childhood in Linz and after the early divorce of her parents moved to Vienna. There she and her …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Ilse Aichinger — ( Viena, 1 de noviembre de 1921) es una escritora austriaca, conocida por haber relatado la persecución a la que se vio sometida por el nazismo debido a su origen judío. Contenido 1 Vida y obra 2 Obras 3 Enlaces externos …   Wikipedia Español

  • Ilse Aichinger — (born 1 November 1921 in Vienna) is an Austrian writer, who is noted for her accounts of her persecution by the Nazis because of her Jewish ancestry. Life Aichinger was born in 1921 along with her twin sister, Helga, to a Jewish doctor (her… …   Wikipedia

  • AICHINGER (I.) — AICHINGER ILSE (1921 ) Née à Vienne le 1er novembre 1921, épouse de Günter Eich, Ilse Aichinger terminait sa scolarité au moment de l’Anschluss. Établie en République fédérale, elle ne cessera, dans son œuvre, de témoigner de cette déchirure. En… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Aichinger — Aichinger,   Ilse, österreichische Schriftstellerin, * Wien 1. 11. 1921; gehörte zur Gruppe 47, seit 1953 Ȋ mit G. Eich. Ihr erster Roman »Die größere Hoffnung« (1948) über das Schicksal eines halbjüd. Mädchens unter dem Nationalsozialismus trägt …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Ilse Aichinger — (* 1. November 1921 in Wien) ist eine österreichische Schriftstellerin. Sie gilt als bedeutende Repräsentantin der deutschsprachigen Nachkriegsliteratur. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 1.1 Kindheit und Jugend 1.2 Studium und Schreiben …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ilse Aichinger — est une romancière et poétesse autrichienne née à Vienne le 1er novembre 1921. Vie et travail Née d une médecin juive et d un professeur, Ilse grandit, après le divorce de ses parents en 1926, avec sa mère et sa sœur jumelle Helga chez sa… …   Wikipédia en Français

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