Ahmed II

Ahmed II

Ottoman sultan
born Aug. 1, 1642
died Feb. 6, 1695, Edirne, Ottoman Empire

      Ottoman sultan (169195) whose reign was marked by the continuing war with the Holy League (Austria-Poland-Venice).

      Soon after his accession to the throne, Ahmed's forces were defeated by the Austrians at Slankamen, Hung. The able grand vizier (chief minister) Köprülü Fazıl Mustafa Paşa died in the battle, and the Ottomans suffered substantial territorial losses in Hungary. In 1692 the Venetians attacked Crete and in 1694 captured Chios. In addition, Ahmed faced unrest in his Arab provinces of Syria, Hejaz, and Iraq. To find land for the nomadic Turkmen tribes, Ahmed encouraged tribal settlement in Anatolia and Syria and put an end to certain abuses in the Ottoman land administration system. Generally, however, Ahmed, who had been imprisoned in the palace before his accession, was unable to show any independence and remained under the influence of his courtiers.

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