Aḥmad al-Manṣūr

Aḥmad al-Manṣūr

ruler of Morocco
also called  Al-dhahabī (the Golden)  
born 1549, Fès, Mor.
died August 20, 1603, Fès

      sixth ruler of the Saʿdī dynasty, which he raised to its zenith of power by his policy of centralization and astute diplomacy. Al-Manṣūr resisted the demands of his nominal suzerain, the Ottoman sultan, by playing off the European powers, namely, France, Portugal, Spain, and England, against one another in order to preserve Moroccan independence.

      Aḥmad al-Manṣūr succeeded his brother ʿAbd al-Malik in August 1578. During the early years of his rule a largely mercenary army was trained and led by Ottoman Turks. The administrative system of the government was centralized, and important state officials were given land assignments and exempted from taxation. A survey of property was made, and land revenue was collected directly. Agriculture and the sugar industry were developed. The capital city of Marrākush was restored to its former grandeur.

      Aḥmad al-Manṣūr encouraged the immigration of artisans, and his court was noted for its splendour. The cities of Gao and Timbuktu, on the Sudanese trade route, were captured in 1591, thus diverting an immense amount of gold to the central treasury, which earned him the title al-Dhahabī.

      He established trade and diplomatic relations with Spain, effectively breaking the monopoly held since 1585 by the Barbary Company, which had been formed by British merchants to control foreign trade.

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