

Greek religious festival
      (from Greek agrios,wild,” orsavage”), Greek religious festival celebrated annually at Orchomenus in Boeotia and elsewhere in honour of the wine god Dionysus. The Greek tradition is that the daughters of Minyas, king of Orchomenus, having despised the rites of the god, were driven mad by Dionysus and sacrificed Hippasus (son of Minyas's oldest daughter, Leucippe) to Dionysus; as punishment they were turned into bats or birds. Ovid, Metamorphoses Book IV, omits the murder of the child. At this festival it was originally the custom for the priest to pursue and kill a woman of the Minyan family at night.

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  • Agrionia — was an ancient Greek religious festival in honor of Dionysus Agrionius. It was celebrated annually, especially at Orchomenus in Boeotia.According to Plutarch, agrionia was celebrated at night with only women accompanied by the priests of Dionysus …   Wikipedia

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