Agis II

Agis II

king of Sparta

died 400 or 398 BC

      king of Sparta after about 427 BC who commanded all operations of the regular army during most of the Peloponnesian War (431404) against Athens.

      In 418, while the inconclusive Peace of Nicias (421415) was still in effect, Agis invaded the territory of Athens' ally Argos but inexplicably made a truce and withdrew after cutting the Argive army off from its city. He escaped heavy penalties for his failure to press his advantage by promising more successful enterprises. He restored Spartan prestige a few weeks later when he defeated the Argive alliance at Mantineia.

      In 413, after the war with Athens was formally resumed, Agis led the force that occupied Decelea in Attica. The historian Thucydides stressed the influence Agis exerted from there over Spartan policy. Though this occupation caused great hardship to Athens, it was Lysander's (Lysander) naval victory for Sparta that ended the war in 404. Agis took no part in the subsequent settlement at Athens. In 402 (or 400) war broke out between Sparta and Elis. Agis forced Elis' surrender in the spring of 400 (or 398) but died shortly afterward.

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